Labradoodle love

Labradoodle love Labradoodles are such a popular cross breed at the moment, and its so easy to see why!  With the non hair shedding properties of a poodle, and the ‘we aim to please’ lovability of a labrador, it makes a superb  mix! We have just purchased...
A golden cockapoo puppy!

A golden cockapoo puppy!

A golden cockapoo puppy We had the great pleasure of welcoming Maggie into the studio at the end of last year.  She is a gorgeous Golden Cockapoo, with just the cutest eyes I am sure you will agree! Cockapoos have become hugely popular in recent years partly due to...

Merry Christmas from Bailey!

Bailey was full of character when he had his Dog portrait in the studio just before christmas.  What I remember most was the nano-second that this hat actually stayed on his head – it was a one shot wonder!  Bailey, his owners and both myself and jenny at The...

Two Cheeky Labrador Cross Dogs

Molly & Boris won a free session with us as part of an auction prize that we donated at a charity fun-raiser Ball that raised in total £10,000! They were wonderful in the studio – Boris was a bit camera shy and nervous but we still managed to get some...